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Philosophy articles
Infallibility about the Self (Organon F, July 2013)
Two Kinds of A Priori Infallibility (Synthese, July 2011)
The Minimalist Theory of Truth: Challenges and Concerns (Philosophy Compass, October 2010)
Nativism: In Defense of the Representational Interpretation (Croatian Journal of Philosophy, December 2009)
Infallible A Priori Self-Justifying Propositions (Croatian Journal of Philosophy, October 2012)
Truth, Superassertability, and Conceivability (Journal of Value Inquiry, September 2008)
The Semantic Theory of Truth: Field’s Incompleteness Objection (Philosophia, July 2011)
A Dilemma for the Weak Deflationist about Truth (Sorites, February 2007)
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